[RE]Thinking Architecture for the Next 100 Years

MKC Leads Program for Youth Outreach

In late June, Jennifer Rufener and Maxwell Hentosh of MKC Architects traveled to Sandusky, Ohio to mentor students at Sandusky City Schools on makerspaces and architecture. They lead a workshop for 6th grade students where they learned how to 3D print, use a Cricut machine, and software for fabrication. Their project was to design, in collaboration with their peers, a small neighborhood consisting of houses and landscape/park lots. This project introduced them to not only architecture but also urban design, planning, and landscape architecture.

Jennifer and Maxwell gave a presentation outlining their role as designers at MKC Architects to high school students, and also addressed what architecture can achieve beyond public perception of the built environment. Jennifer and Maxwell discussed theoretical research projects from their academic studies - describing how academia differs from professional practice. Their discussion was aimed to expose students to various styles and methods of architecture. The presentation culminated in showing the high school students different ways of working together, perceiving the world, and how architects through their work wish to build a better future.

Designers Maxwell Hentosh and Jennifer Rufener surrounded by the elementary fabrication projects.

MKC Architects